College Keep-In-Touch
Our college-aged men and women may be away from home, but they are very much on our minds, and Shomrei Emunah does its best to keep them connected to the life of the congregation throughout the year.
Sponsored by the Sisterhood, the Keep-in-Touch program sends care packages to our far-flung students four times a year at holiday time, with thoughtful gifts and tasty treats to remind them of their friends at Shomrei and to help nurture their embrace of the spiritual life.
There is no fee for participation, though the Sisterhood welcomes donations to defray its expenses.If your student is studying abroad, or if you have any questions or special requests, please contact Linda Blume, or (973) 744-7451.
To enroll in Keep-in-Touch, fill out this form by hand and mail it to the address shown on the form or enroll online here