Purim -- Schpiel and Band
Purim Schpiel
Anyone interested in participating in this year's Purim schpiel, "The Rock(y) Hard Hamantaschen Show," please contact Craig Eichner at shpieler@gmail.com.Purim Band
Bring your instruments, music stands and great (or not so great) voices and join Maestro Mark Weinstein and the 2nd Annual Purim Band. Rehearsals are Sunday, Feb. 26 at 11:00 and Sunday, March 4 at 2:00 in the Gallery (Pre-function room). Tune up and set up at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evening, March 7, before the Purim festivities begin. For more information, contact Mark at weinsteinm@mail.montclair.edu or Merrill Silver at msilver53@verizon.net.Photos from previous Purim Shpiels and Bands
2011 2010 2009