
Shabbat at Shomrei opens a window onto a few of the many different passions and interests pursued by our members – and provides a terrific example of how a modest-sized congregation can still offer an impressive range of worship services and study groups for people of all ages.

The synagogue opens at 8:30 a.m. each Saturday for Torah study with Rabbi Greenstein, a seminar-style discussion of the weekly portion over coffee and cake.

Traditional services begin at 9:30 a.m. with Shacharit, followed by the Torah service and Musaf. Our Torah service is noteworthy for its lively give-and-take about the day’s readings between the rabbi and the congregation.

A shorter alternative service led by Rabbi Greenstein once a month allows for variety and experimentation and emphasizes the spiritual essence of Shabbat worship.

Also once a month, a yoga and meditation session lets congregation members bring their physical selves into the spiritual act.

Meanwhile, a full range of youth services begins at 10:30 with our junior congregation for children already able to read, Club Shabbat; Tot Shabbat, for toddlers and their parents, at 11:15; and Teen Shabbat, a group of high school students who meet beginning at 10:30.

For children ages 7 and younger, babysitting is available at no charge and without advance notice every Shabbat from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and on Jewish holidays, in Classroom 3. On the High Holidays, a nominal fee of $5 is charged and sign-up is encouraged.

A sit-down kiddush, prepared by the community, follows Shabbat services, including socializing, singing, and Birkat Hamazon. Occasionally Minhah service is held immediately following the kiddush.

And once a month or so we return to the synagogue for Minhah, a Shalosh Seudot meal, Ma’ariv, and Havdalah.

Information: Geoff Sadow,