Youth Shabbat Programs

Shomrei Emunah works to provide a rewarding and engaging Shabbat service for children at every age, while recognizing that for many families, the Sabbath is above all a time for togetherness.

Tot Shabbat

Our toddler services for preschoolers and their parents feature singing, playing, a little praying, dancing and marching with stuffed Torah scrolls, storytelling, fun conversations, and a simple but well-earned kiddush over grape juice and challah.

Tot Shabbat is geared to children who are not yet reading and mainly attracts those ages 6 or younger.


Hinei Mah Tov ("How Good It Is To Get Together)

Hinei Mah Tov is our monthly Family Shabbat Service. A whole group of families – adults and children – have pledged to “get together” in community to explore ways to grow Jewishly, using the Shabbat prayers as a framework and platform.

We all have so much to gain and so much to give, no matter our age or expertise. Parents help children - their own and others’- to discover the Torah’s goodness and pleasantness. Children help their parents and other adults to continue to find ways to grow as Jews.