Acts of Kindness

Congregation Shomrei Emunah strives to harness the energies, talents, passions and creativity of our members in social-action projects and pursuits that reflect and reinforce our Jewish values and ethics and our commitment to justice and to tikkun olam.

We aspire to inspire, to collaborate with Jews and people of other faiths to “repair the world,” and to live up to our ideal of a kehillah kedosha – a holy community – by performing a wide range of mitzvot: helping, hearing, and healing each other, our neighbors, and the world around us.

Our members devote themselves to meeting basic human needs, housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, and clothing the needy. They raise awareness about (and money to address) far-flung crises around the world and across the country. And they promote closer-to-home causes like organ donation, protecting our environment, improving race relations, and helping immigrants become citizens, to name just a few.

We seek to involve all the constituencies of our congregation in these endeavors: men and women, boys and girls, elderly and preschoolers, teens, young adults and families. Some of our most involved and dedicated volunteers are our children.

We often work in partnership with agencies and nonprofits that are devoted to and expert in areas of concern. But we do a great deal on our own, and for our own. And we are willing to seize the initiative and demonstrate leadership on other issues when our members identify a need.

Please peruse the many activities that Shomrei Emunah is engaged in, and by all means, take up any of these causes as your own – or inspire and lead us to embrace a new one. With your help, we can come closer to making good on the promise of what it means to be a Jew.

Information: Dan Nachman, social action chairman,