Bat/Bar Mitzvah

Joy! No other word can describe the feeling you as a parent will have when your child steps-up and is called to the Torah! It's an equally joyous event for our entire community. We not only witness but we thrill at the prospect of another Jew assuming their role as an adult in our community.

We have much to share and much to learn from each other. Our tradition teaches us that no two people will understand, see or experience the Torah in the same way. No two people have the same journey. What new landscapes will be revealed as your Bat/Bar Mitzvah steps up?

Both the amount of preparation and role taken by the child for Bat/Bar Mitzvah is up to the family. To help prepare for your child’s Bat/Bar Mitzvah families meet together with the Rabbi to formulate a Bar/Bat Mitzvah plan and to discuss the Parasha.

Another program involving the Bar/Bat Mitzvah class and their adult family members is our after-services “Lunch and Learn” series on selected Saturdays. Topics discussed bridge the generations engaging children and their parents in lively discussions of Jewish topics. “Lunch and Learn” is led by the Rabbi and our Director of Education.

We welcome intermarried families and we welcome any child who wishes to explore the richness of a Jewish education through attending our school and programs. As a community we adhere to traditional Jewish law. Therefore, in order for a child to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Shomrei, they must be either born to a Jewish mother or they must have undergone a ritual conversion to Judaism. Our Rabbi is available to clarify and discuss this process with you and support you in your decision.

The door to the Torah is always open to anyone who steps through. Engagement can occur at any skill level. At Shomrei we don't see a Bat/Bar Mitzvah as a performance or as the completion of a process of proficiency. We see it as a beginning! It is the beginning of a life lived as a member of a growing community in engagement with the Torah and each other. It's the first step.

What new ground will we tread together?

For More Information:
Aylah Winter
Director of Education
(973) 746-5031, ext. 4