Get Involved

Looks are deceiving. To passers-by on Park Street, Shomrei Emunah may look like little more than a modest-sized suburban shul with an architecturally interesting old façade. But enter our building, attend our services or an event or just schmooze a little with one of our fascinating members, and you will quickly learn that much more goes on in our congregation than meets the eye.

Dozens of activities and programs for children and families. Clubs and gatherings for visual artists, martial artists, book lovers, movie watchers, and bridge players. Then there are our festivities for every major Jewish holiday, our trips to Israel, and our extensive social-action efforts such as housing homeless families in our building two weeks per year or our Carol Starr MESH Café which feeds the hungry every Tuesday night.

It all takes money to support. Please consider making a donation or tribute today, or on the occasion of a simha (joyous event) or to commemorate the memory of the departed.  

We also welcome all the help we can get, please consider volunteering.