Why Shomrei?


The desire to be part of a community, that sense of family that nurtures, protects and celebrates Jewish identity in ways that are relevant and palpable — it is experiential. It is the people. It is an energy that can be felt when you first walk through the door. It is what makes our congregation most special.

Shomrei Emunah is a warm and inviting community in and around Montclair, NJ, a progressive and diverse enclave 12 miles west of Manhattan. With a proud heritage built over more than 100 years, we maintain an inclusive, contemporary community that welcomes individuals, couples and families of all backgrounds and orientations to join, grow and thrive with us.

Spiritual Home

Our synagogue is a joyful, sacred space, rooted in traditional Jewish observance with a contemporary commitment to enriching religious expression. We are bound by our desire to live more fully Jewish lives, and work to create the connections that allow each individual to find that fulfillment.

At Shomrei, we show up. We are family. We support spiritual growth, renewal and enrichment through meaningful daily, holiday, Shabbat and life cycle rituals from baby namings, to b’nai mitzvah, to weddings, funerals and shiva minyans. The rituals become communal events, as congregants share simchas and support each other through sorrow.

Social Action

Tikkun Olam, or “repairing our world”, is a core value within the Shomrei Emunah community. We take the commitment seriously. We feed and house the homeless, we support our members through sickness and challenging times, we work at the food pantry, we engage in community efforts for those less fortunate, we march in support of Israel, and the list goes on. If you believe in the importance of social consciousness and social action, the opportunities to give back through our committed community are many and gratifying.