JLC Programs, 2024-25

K - 1st Grade
An introduction to Jewish values, holidays, and Shabbat.  Students will enjoy singing, experiential Torah stories, exploring Israel, and learning the traditions and prayers of Shabbat.  Our multi-sensory approach keeps children moving and connecting with their friends and teachers in a positive and upbeat Jewish environment.

Meets: Saturdays Only, 10:00am - 12:00pm 


Term: Sep 11, 2024 - May 14, 2025


Tuition: $900; Registration Fee: $150


2nd - 7th Grades
The cornerstone of our curriculum revolves around being together as a community on Shabbat morning.  We feel the rhythm of the Jewish week as we daven (Shabbat morning prayers), hear words of Torah, enjoy the company of our peers, and experience an authentic Shabbat.  In addition to developmentally appropriate prayer (filled with hand motions to connect meaning to the words), we play active games to reinforce Torah portions, Jewish history, and exposure to the land and history of Israel.  We celebrate holidays together, adding new layers to learning with every year of our curriculum. We engage in lively discussion, active debates, create our own parsha plays, and enjoy thoughtful games.

Wednesdays include small group Hebrew instruction, where students are matched with another student or two of a similar ability.  Students build confidence on Hebrew decoding and reading, building on their prayer proficiency. Wednesdays also include classes such as, jewish ethics, parsha/Torah, and history.

Meets: Saturdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm; Wednesdays 4:30-6:00pm
Term: Sep 11, 2024 - May 14, 2025
Tuition: $2150; Registration Fee: $150


STOM: (Shomrei Teens of Montclair) Youth Group (grades 8-12)
Meets twice a month led by Rabbi Julie Roth
Term: Sep 11, 2024 - May 14, 2025
Tuition: $1000; Registration Fee: $150


  For More Information:
Aylah Winter
Director of Education
(973) 746-5031, ext. 4