Shabbat Services

No one should choose a synagogue without visiting during Shabbat, when we leave our daily lives behind and come together as individuals, families, friends, and as a community, to sing, pray, think, learn, talk, listen, rejoice, be comforted, and eat a meal or two or three.

For a congregation of our size, Shomrei Emunah offers a surprising number of ways to observe the Sabbath, from early-evening “Shabbat and Me” services for families with toddlers to “Yoga for the Jewish Spirit,” a stretching and meditation workshop on Saturday mornings.

Yet those who favor a more traditional mode of prayer will not be disappointed by our lively, Carlebach-style Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday nights and our Saturday morning Shacharit, Torah and Musaf services.

All of our ways of worshiping share a common goal: inspiring the fullest possible participation of our community.

Please peruse the drop-down menus – and come visit – to see for yourself.